Sunday, May 1, 2016

Thermal Adaptation - Torpor

Large areas of Australian woodlands are subject to bushfire, particularly eucalypt forests. Woodland forests comprise 67% of forest vegetation in Australia, with scrublands, shrub and mixed forest types dominating the northern and eastern coast (Fig. 1)(ERIN 2012 & ABARES 2013).  An estimated 39 million hectares of Australian forest was burnt from 2006 to 2011 (ABARES 2013). Animals inhabiting Australian woodlands must be well-adapted to frequent changes in environmental conditions in order to survive and successfully reproduce.

(Fig. 1 - Terrestrial Ecoregions of Australia (April 2012))
Bushfire is an important ecological process for the germination of native plants, soil nutrient cycling and removal of obstructive ground vegetation, including invasive weeds (IFA 2005). However, bushfire results in increased environmental temperature, and the potential death of native fauna. In the 1950’s, laboratory studies on thermoregulation of the short-beaked echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus) found that body temperatures of 38°C resulted in fatalities (Brice et al. 2002). However, recent field studies have shown they are able to withstand ambient temperatures of above 40°C, as well as survive large bushfire events (Brice et al 2002 & Nowack et al 2016).

Echidnas survive bushfire and increased environmental temperature by seeking shelter, usually a log, cave or burrow, before entering a state of torpor.  Torpor significantly lowers metabolic rate, and reduces breathing and heart rate. This decrease in cardiovascular and metabolic activity results in effective loss of body temperature (Heldmaier et al 2004). Echidnas subjected to bushfire in Dryandra Woodland, south-east of Perth, reduced their body temperatures on average by 4°C as a result of behavioural sheltering and torpor (Nowack et al 2016). One individual reduced body temperature from over 30°C, to below 20°C for four days after the onset of bushfire. After a period of re-adjustment, body temperature returned to normal as measured within the week prior (Fig.2). Possibly the most important finding from this study was that none of the echidnas in the sample left their home range as a result of the bushfire, although one did die as a result of poor log choice (Nowack et al 2016).

(Fig. 2 -  Body temperature traces of the same echidna (a) 7 days before and (b) 7 days after the fire on 21 April)
The short beaked echidna enters a state of torpor as an adaptation to bushfire, and subsequent increase in environmental temperature. This adaptation is believed to have enabled their survival through global wildfire events, such as those caused by meteoroid impacts during the Cretaceous-Paleogene era, 65.5 million years ago (Nowack et al. 2016). Temperature variation and natural disasters will continue to occur, affecting all species on earth. Thermal adaptations like torpor have and will continue to benefit animals such as the short-beaked echidna as evolution continues over time.

Brice, P. Grigg, G. Beard, L. Donovan, J. 2002, ‘Heat tolerance of short-beaked echidnas (Tachyglossus aculeatus) in the field’, Journal of Thermal Biology, Vol. 27 pg 449 - 457

Department of Agriculture (ABARES), 2013, ‘Australia’s State of the Forests Report’, Five Yearly Report, Australian Government

Environmental Resources Information Network (ERIN) 2012, Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Commonwealth of Australia, Australian Government

Heldmaier, G. Ortmann, S. Elvert, R. 2004, ‘Natural hypometabolism during hibernation and daily torpor in mammals’, Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology, Vol. 141 pg 317–329

Institute of Foresters of Australia (IFA), 2005, ‘The role of fire in Australian forests and woodlands’, Forest Policy Statement 3.1, pg 1-3

Nowack, J. Cooper, C.E. Geiser, F. 2016, ‘Cool echidnas survive the fire’, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Vol. 283, pg 1-8


Figure 1: 
Environmental Resources Information Network (ERIN) 2012, Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Commonwealth of Australia, Australian Government

Figure 2:
Nowack, J. Cooper, C.E. Geiser, F. 2016, ‘Cool echidnas survive the fire’, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Vol. 283, pg 1-8


  1. That’s fantastic! I didn’t realise that echidnas showed torpor, which is pretty cool. I wonder if it could be an appropriate strategy for species as temperatures continue to increase, particularly in areas such as the tropics? Do you know if animals that are unknown to enter torpor naturally can be induced to enter it?

  2. I'm not sure about animals that naturally don't undergo torpor, but theres research into naturally occurring compounds that induce torpor in mice and squirrels, tests could be done to see if it applies to other mammals too. Also i found a lot of research into inducing torpor in humans for space travel
